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With Joanne currently completing a Master of Agribusiness Management, she is very well equipped to help you with achieving the best outcomes for your business.

One of Jo's favorite questions is what is your cost of production?.. What does it cost your business to generate 1kg of beef? Seems a bit left of field? Have a think about how you get paid, $/kg of beef. If your not sure about this but want to know more give us a call. 

Consulting Services: Products


Although things don't always go to plan 'a failure to plan is a plan for failure. Having clear goals and objectives for the business can be the difference from being within the Top 20% of producers to being in the bottom. Jo is more than capable of stepping you through the planning process so don't hesitate to give her a call with any questions.


Having accurate records is critical for the business. Implementing individual ID systems can often be a stressful and complex process. At IVS we pride ourselves on having over 10 years experience with different herd recording systems so if you need help with your system or the implementation process get in contact.


"Big Data' is a bit of a catch phrase at the moment. However there is no point in capturing data if it is never looked at and utilized. It can often seem like a daunting task to process what has been captured. If a nudge in the right direction or a helping hand is what your after give us a call.


Assessing you business is a critical part of running it. If the phrase 'my accountant does that' comes to mind, there might be some areas we could dig a bit deeper. Management accounting can very significantly from taxation accounting, so the business could be performing better or worse than what you think. If you want to have a bit more of a discussion give Jo a call.

For more information about consulting services, get in touch with Dr Joanne Connolly today.

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